
Big Feast

Have a wonderful dinner with all my dear friends at KB Mall Seoul Garden.
It is buffet style restaurant and there got variety flavors of meats, chicken, drinks and dessert.
Here is the pricing of Seoul Garden, remember to bring along your student card, got extra discount.

Full until make a crazy face,haha..

My dearest friends ans also my roomates.

Funny girls!!

Photos always are the best memory.




从中学开始,一直都有想绑牙的念头 直到现在,踏入社会 , 自己赚钱 , 靠着自己的能力,终于能完成自己小小的心愿 我的牙齿都很大颗,不够位长,所以牙齿长得不整齐 上排的兔子牙有点凸出,而下排牙齿也有点不整齐 我吃东西和讲话发音都没问题,...